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Tag Archives: stress

Positive Side Effects of Acupuncture

During an initial session of acupuncture, I begin with an extensive health intake that goes over all of the systems in the body. I use this to determine certain patterns of imbalance, allowing me to treat the root cause of issues. This is one way acupuncture differs from Western medicine.

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Seven Ways Acupuncture Can Help Mothers

Mother’s Day is May 14th and I think one of the best gifts you can give a mom for Mother’s Day  is the gift of acupuncture. Acupuncture can help all moms, from the expectant mom to the empty nester, feel one hundred percent again. Mom’s make the world work, it’s a known fact. So this Mother’s Day give the gift

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Acupuncture and PTSD

PTSD is a physiological disorder that can result from being exposed to a traumatic event.  The disorder results in several different symptoms including anxiety, irritability, insomnia and flashbacks. The effects of post-traumatic stress disorder in someone’s life can be far reaching.  Feelings of hopelessness, shame and despair, problems at work or with relationships, serious health problems, depression, anxiety and drug

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Ways to Keep Your Memory Sharp

Don’t forget about physical exercise

Believe it or not, when you’re exercising your body, you’re exercising your mind as well. Aerobic exercise gets your blood pumping, which increases the oxygen going to your brain and lowers your risk of disorders such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease that can lead to memory loss. If you can, start with some exercise in

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Heart Healthy Tips to Reduce Stress

In this fast-paced world we find it’s pretty hard to slow down. Everyday stressors are the norm and although some stress is good, too much can hurt the body not only mentally but physically as well. Work, family, finances and everything in between can start to take a toll on your health. Below are tips that not only help to

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